Leading leasing companiesA company whose main activity is... More in Bulgaria and links
The leasing companiesA company whose main activity is... More in Bulgaria, offering financial leasingA leasing contract, under which, the... More (and reporting to the Bulgarian National Bank), are 48 at the end of 2019, according to the statistics of the Bulgarian National Bank. In addition to these, there are companies which offer only operational leasing, rent-a-carRent-a-car (or car rental) is the... More services, and fleet management. Further, some leasing companiesA company whose main activity is... More are connected and belong to a single financial group. We have ranked by asset volume (as stated in the last published report) the leading leasing companiesA company whose main activity is... More in Bulgaria, with the leasing groups ranked by their combined assets, but enumerated separately. We provide links to the sites of the leasing companiesA company whose main activity is... More as well as links to their online calculators and online leasing tools, where available:
Sofia 1303, Alexander Stamboliiski Blvd. 101 (103) Mall of Sofia, Sofia Tower, floor 4, office 41 |
Tel.: +359 2/ 8100511 |
Fax: +359 2/ 980 22 91 |
This is a medium-sized universal leasing companyA company whose main activity is... More, which is a subsidiary of DSK Bank and also part of its leasing group.
DSK Leasing Ltd was registered in 2005 and has several specialized daughter companies: DSK Auto Leasing, DSK Leasing Insurance Broker, DSK Operational Leasing. Following a bank merger from 2018, DSK Leasing is now in one group with OTP Leasing (former name SoGe Lease), the two companies being in the process of integration. The combined assets of the leasing group at the end of 2018 reach BGN 1027 million, which ranks them first on the Bulgarian leasing market.
DSK Leasing is focused on auto leasing with some 65% of its portfolio falling on vehicles. The company leases new and used cars. The used cars need to be not older than 7 years at the end of the lease termThe lease, or leasing term, is... More. DSK Leasing also leases machines, agricultural equipment, and real estate.
The company has a two-tier management system with Chairman of the MB and Executive Director being Mr. Kostadin Karadjov.
Leasing calculator of DSK Leasing
OTP Leasing EOOD
Sofia 1303, Al.Stamboliiski Blvd. 73 |
Tel.: +359 2 937 0455 |
Fax: +359 2 988 2118 |
One of the big universal leasing companies in Bulgaria. The company was part of Societe Generale Bank Group, but in 2018 was sold to the OTP Group together with its mother-bank and renamed accordingly. Since then they form the second biggest leasing group in Bulgaria with their sister company DSK Leasing.
They prefer large customers with excellent creditworthiness.
The company is represented by its two Managers – Mr. Michail Komitski and Mr. Borislav Petkov.
The company does not have an online leasing calculator.
Sofia 1303, Gueshevo Str. 14 |
Tel.: 02/ 976 51 00 |
Fax: 02/ 9765219 |
This is one of the largest and oldest universal leasing companiesA company whose main activity is... More in Bulgaria. Unicredit Leasing is a subsidiary of Unicredit Bulbank.
Unicredit Leasing EAD was registered in 1999 as Orel Leasing AD. Following a bank acquisition, it was renamed to Hebros Leasing. This, in turn, was followed by a triple merger, finalized in 2007, where the company was merged with two other leasing companiesA company whose main activity is... More (HVB Leasing and Bulbank Leasing) into a single entity. The company sustainably occupies a leading position in the Bulgarian leasing market. At the end of 2018, its assets amount to some BGN 893 million, ranking it second on the market.
The lessorOne of the parties to the... More has branches in all major Bulgarian cities as well as a specialized daughter company: Unicredit Insurance Broker.
Unicredit leasing uses a two-tier management system. The current Management Board includes Martin Gikov, Alexander Krastev, and Ilia Semerdjiev.
Unicredit Leasing does not have an online leasing calculator.
Sofia 1040, Tsarigradsko Shosse Blvd. 135A |
Tel: +359 2/ 971 82 82 |
Fax: +359 2/ 971 83 33 |
A leading universal leasing companyA company whose main activity is... More with years of experience, part of the KBC banking and insurance group.
Interlease was registered in 1997 and was part of the UBB Banking Group, which was owned by The National Bank of Greece. Following a bank-merger in 2018, Interlease became part of one of the largest banking and insurance groups in CEE – KBC from Belgium. Further to having an even larger mother-bank, Interlease now has the biggest Bulgarian insurance companyThe insurance company is a specialized... More as its sister-company – DZI. The combination is promising a possible return of the lessorOne of the parties to the... More to the leading position on the Bulgarian leasing market. Interlease has BGN 420 million of assets at the end of 2017.
The company has an extensive national branch network. Interlease offers financial and operational leasing to companies and from 2005 to individuals. The financing offered targets industrial equipment, office equipment, agricultural equipment, construction equipment, and transport vehicles. The company finances new and used cars, the latter being not older than 3 years from the date of first registration.
Interlease has a two-tier management system with Mr.Atanas Botev in the CEO position.
Leasing calculator of Interlease
Sofia 1407, Cherni Vrah Blvd. 32А, floor 6 |
Tel: 02/ 491 91 91 |
Fax: 02/ 974 20 57 |
A universal leasing companyA company whose main activity is... More, which is the subsidiary of Raiffeisen Bank.
Raiffeisen Leasing Bulgaria EOOD was registered in 2004, with sole owner Raiffeisenbank (Bulgaria) EAD, which in turn is part of the Austrian banking group with the same name.
Raiffeisen Leasing offers both financial and operational leasing for construction equipment, industrial machines, agricultural equipment, transport vehicles and is one of the few to offer leasing of real estate. Raiffeisen also leases used cars, which should not be older than 8 years at the end of the lease termThe lease, or leasing term, is... More. At the end of 2018, the assets of the leasing companyA company whose main activity is... More amount to BGN 399 million, which ranks it at fourth place on the Bulgarian market.
The company is represented by its two managers – Mr. Vasil Koshnicharov and Mr. Nikolay Christov.
Leasing calculator of Raiffeisen Leasing Online Application to Raiffeisen Leasing
Sofia 1504, Shipka Str. 36 |
Tel.: +359 2/ 942 99 55 |
Fax: +359 2/ 946 13 79 |
A relatively small universal leasing companyA company whose main activity is... More, which in 2017 was acquired by companies close to Chimimport (Armeec), along with three other small leasing companies – Leasing Finance (see next), Prime Leasing (with a former name until 2015 Immorent Bulgaria), М Leasing (until 2018 part of ERB Leasing) and M Rent (with former name TBI Rent). The leasing group, comprising of these five leasing companiesA company whose main activity is... More, ranks fifth by assets in Bulgaria.
The company has no online leasing calculator.
M Leasing EAD
Sofia 1407, Blvd. Cherni Vrah 53, floor 2 |
Tel: +359 2/ 937 58 48 |
е-mail: office@mleasing.bg |
A relatively small universal leasing companyA company whose main activity is... More, part of the Armeec Group of leasing companiesA company whose main activity is... More.
It was set up in 2004 with the former name “ERB Leasing”. In 2018 it was acquired by Armeec Leasing and restructured. In 2019 Armeec Leasing was merged with M Leasing, with the sole ownership transferred to the Insurance CompanyThe insurance company is a specialized... More Armeec.
M Leasing is specialized in car leasing – new and used, to both individuals and companies. The company has a wide branch network of 13 rep-offices in various Bulgarian cities utilizing the branch structure of its related company М Car (a BMW dealerSee Supplier... More). M Leasing offers both financial and operating leasing"Operating leasing" or "Operational leasing" or... More.
M Leasing does not have an online leasing calculator. Online application to M Leasing
Sofia 1407, Blvd. Cherni Vrah 53, floor 2 |
Tel.: +359 2/451 01 74, Leasing dpt.: 0884 656 658 |
info@leasingfinance.bg |
A relatively small universal leasing companyA company whose main activity is... More, part of the Armeec leasing group.
Leasing Finance was registered in 2005 as Piraeus Leasing and was part of the bank group with the same name. In 2016 the company was acquired by Finance Info Assistance EOOD and had its name changes accordingly. In 2017 Leasing Finance acquired TBI Rent – a company specialized in operating leasing and fleet management. The new daughter company was renamed to М Rent.
The address of the company is the same as M Leasing above.
The company has no online leasing calculator.
М Rent EAD
Sofia 1407, Blvd. Cherni Vrah 53 |
Tel: *7368 |
е-mail: office@mrent.bg |
A small leasing companyA company whose main activity is... More registered in 2005 as TBI Rent. In 2017 it was acquired by Leasing Finance EAD /see above/ and became part of the Armeec leasing group.
М Rent is specialized in operating leasing"Operating leasing" or "Operational leasing" or... More and fleet management and targets mainly corporate clients.
The address of M Rent is the same as that of Leasing Finance and M Leasing.
M Rent does not have a leasing calculator.
Sofia 1618, Bulgaria Blvd. 118, floor 2 |
Tel.: +359 2/ 818 56 70 |
Fax: +359 2/ 958 27 30, office@deutsche-leasing.bg |
A mid-sized leasing companyA company whose main activity is... More, which is a subsidiary of the German leasing companyA company whose main activity is... More with the same name. The company is highly focused on financing German companies in Bulgaria.
The company has no online leasing calculator.
Sofia 1766, Mladost 4, Business Park Sofia, Building 12A, Floor 2 |
Tel.: +359 2/ 489 9100 |
Fax: +359 2/ 489 9102 |
This is the biggest captive leasing company in Bulgaria. Its sole owner is Porsche Bank AG, Austria, which is the 16-th largest lessor in Europe (according to the ranking of Leaseurope). The company is specialized in the leasing of the vehicles of Porche, Audi, VW, and MAN trucks.
The company has no online leasing calculator.
Sofia 1839, Botevgradsko Shosse Blvd. 459 |
Tel.: +359 2 / 89 21 110 |
Fax: +359 2/ 89 21 219 |
This is the second-largest captive leasing companyCaptive Leasing Company is a company... More in Bulgaria. Its sole owner is the official Peugeot dealerSee Supplier... More for Bulgaria – Sofia France Auto AD.
The company has no online leasing calculator.
Eurolease Group EAD
Sofia 1592, Christopher Columbus Blvd. 43, floor 5 |
Tel.: + 359 2 9651 555 |
Fax: :+ 359 2 9651 687 |
Eurolease Group is a captiveCaptive Leasing Company is a company... More leasing group, which is specialized in the leasing of new and used cars. The company was registered in 2012 as part of Eurohold Bulgaria AD.
Eurolease Group offers the full range of auto-finance services. Where other leasing companies and groups have an insurance broker, Eurolease Group uses the support of an in-house insurance company. Where other captive companies are linked to an auto-dealer, Eurolease has several such including a used-car dealer. Besides the leasing business, Eurohold includes insurance business (EuroIns), financial intermediary business (EuroFinance), as well as car dealers of new and used cars (Auto Union) – Mazda, Fiat, Renault, Nissan, Dacia, Opel, etc. Eurolease Group is the only Bulgarian leasing company/group, which has its own daughter company in another country: Eurolease Auto, Macedonia.
At the end of 2018, the consolidated assets of Eurolease Group amount to BGN 134.6 million, which rang it ninth on the Bulgarian leasing market.
Chairman of the Board and Executive Director of Eurolease Group is Mr. Asen Asenov.
Eurolease Group unites several leasing companiesA company whose main activity is... More, which cover the full range of auto-finance services:
- Eurolease Rent-a-Car – a company specialized in the rent-a-car service and short term operating leasing. It operates under the franchise of Avis and Budget;
- Eurolease Auto AD is the leading leasing companyA company whose main activity is... More within the Group, specialized in the leasing of new and used (up to 5 years) cars;
Leasing Calculator of Eurolease Auto Online Leasing of Eurolease Auto
- Amigo Leasing (site only in Bulgarian) – a company specialized in the leasing of used cars
Leasing Calculator of Amigo Leasing Online Leasing of Amigo Leasing
- Eurolease Auto, Macedonia (site only in Macedonian) – дъщерно лизингово дружество в Македония
Leasing Calculator of Eurolease Auto MK Online Leasing of Eurolease Auto MK
In 2019 Eurolease Group made the final addition to the list of auto-finance services with the service SIMPL, which is the fleet management service offered by the Group.
Sofia 1360, Slivnica Blvd. 444 |
Tel.: 02/9842 322 |
Fax: 02/9842 233 |
Captive leasing companyCaptive Leasing Company is a company... More of Ford’s dealership for Bulgaria – MotoPhoe. The company specializes in leasing cars under the brands of Ford, Range Rover, and Volvo.
The company has no online leasing calculator.
Sofia 1186, German, Sreden Pat Str. 1 |
Tel.: +359 2 / 970 54 13; +359 2 / 970 54 23 |
Fax: +359 2 / 970 54 83 |
The biggest captive leasing companyCaptive Leasing Company is a company... More which specializes in the leasing of commercial vehicles. Scania Finance is focused on financing heavy commercial Scania vehicles in Bulgaria.
The company has no online leasing calculator.
Sofia 1040, Al.Stamboliiski Blvd. 73 |
Tel.: +359 2/802 6120 |
Fax: +359 2/802 6155 |
This is the biggest leasing companyA company whose main activity is... More in Bulgaria, which specializes in operational leasing of cars and fleet management.
ALD Automotive is registered in 2014. Until 2018 it was part of the Societe Generale Express Bank group. Since 2018, when Societe Generale exited Bulgaria, and the mother bank was sold to OTP Group, it is a stand-alone leasing companyA company whose main activity is... More in Bulgaria. The sole owner of the capital is ALD Holdings GmbH, Germany. The mother company is part of the Societe General Group and together with Societe General Equipment Finance is the leading lessorOne of the parties to the... More in Europe for 2017, managing some 19 bln. euro of leasing portfolio.
ALD prefers corporate clients with large fleets.
The company has no online leasing calculator.
ВФС България ЕООД
Blvd. Slivnitsa 630, Sofia 1331 |
tel.: +359 885 338803 tel.: +359 888 143151 tel.: +359 240 32706 tel.: +359 240 32727 |
E-mail: info.bg@vfsco.com |
The abbreviation in the name of this company stands for Volvo Financial Services. This is the second largest captive leasing companyCaptive Leasing Company is a company... More, specialized in commercial vehicle leasing. VFS Bulgaria was registered in 2014 and its sole owner is Volvo Holding, Sweden. VFS Bulgaria is specialized in leasing of commercial vehicles under the brand of Volvo and Renault, as well as Volvo construction equipment.
This is the first company which offered operational leasing for commercial vehicles in Bulgaria. In 2019, sadly, it is still the only one with such a product.
VHS Bulgaria is represented by its General Manager – Ivan Zhivankin.
VFS Bulgaria does not have an online leasing calculator.
Allianz Leasing Bulgaria AD
Str. “Rezbarska” №5, Sofia 1510 |
Tel.: +359 2/ 948 70 10, Fax: +359 2/ 943 48 93 |
e-mail: office@allianzleasing.com |
A universal leasing company which is daughter to Allianz Bulgaria Holding, e.g. a powerful financial group incorporating a big insurance company (IC Allianz AD), as well as a bank (Allianz Bank Bulgaria AD). In spite of the strong pedigree, Allianz Leasing Bulgaria is lagging behind in the ranking of the Bulgarian leasing companiesA company whose main activity is... More.
The main focus of Allianz Leasing Bulgaria are vehicles – cars and commercial. Never the less, the company does not offer operational leasing.
Allianz Leasing Bulgaria does not have an online calculator.
Euratech Finance AD
Sofia 1000, G.S.Rakovski Str. № 103, floor 4 | ||
Euratech is the official importer of the Skoda cars for Bulgaria. Within the Euratech group, there are two leasing companiesA company whose main activity is... More: Euratech Finance AD (the younger and smaller company) and Autobochemia AD (registered in 1998 and the bigger of the two). Both leasing companiesA company whose main activity is... More are captives and focus their activity on the leasing of Skoda cars. Sadly, they do not offer operational leasing.
All companies within the group are represented by their Executive Director – Ivan Todorov.
The Euratech companies do not have an online leasing calculator.
Sofia 1407, Autotechnica OOD |
Nikola Vapcarov Blvd. № 53 |
Tel.: +359 2/ 439 02 25, ltr@hertz.bg |
A car rental company Autotechnica Ltd. also offers operational leasing of new cars. Besides holding the rights of Hertz for Bulgaria it is also the official importer of the Seat car-brand. The representation in Bulgaria is part of Vasilakis Group of Companies, Greece. In late 2018 the Greek HO closed a partnership agreement with the European giant fleet-management company – Alphabet. The Bulgarian daughter company is included in the partnership.
There is no online leasing calculator
B.L. Leasing AD
Sofia 1766, Blvd. Tsarigradsko Shosse №144 |
Tel.: 02/ 862 0639, Fax: 02/ 862 0697 |
e-mail: office@bll.bg |
This is one of the “old” captive leasing companies in Bulgaria. B.L Leasing was established in 2000. Its main vendors are KIA Bulgaria and Subaru Motors, which are linked with B.L.Leasing (same ownership). B.L. Leasing is one of the few lessors in the country who use bond issues to complement the bank financing for their activity.
The company is represented by its Executive Directors Mr. Tsvetan Rashkov and Hrabrin Ivanchev.
B.L.Leasing does not have an online leasing calculator.
Bulgaria Leasing AD

Blvd. “Bulgaria” №83А, Sofia 1000 |
Tel.: +359 2/ 818 97 41 |
Fax: +359 2/ 818 97 66 |
A small universal leasing company connected with Invest Bank. Bulgaria Leasing was registered in 2010. Besides the standard leasing assets the company also offers financial leasingA leasing contract, under which, the... More for hotel equipment and medical equipment. Sadly its site is only in the Bulgarian language.
Bulgaria leasing is represented by Anatolii Radev – Executive Director.
Leasing Calculator of Bulgaria Leasing
Sofia 1766, Okolovrasten Pat Blvd. № 260 |
Tel.: +359 2/ 80 44 109 |
Mob.: +359 894 600 180 |
Captive leasing companyCaptive Leasing Company is a company... More of Hyundai’s authorized dealerSee Supplier... More in Bulgaria. All focused on helping Hyundai’s sales in the country.
There is no online leasing calculator
Sofia 1592, Christofor Columbus Blvd. №43 |
Tel.: 02/ 826 11 00 |
Fax: 02/ 827 30 57 |
Rent-a-carRent-a-car (or car rental) is the... More company, which also provides cars on an operating lease.
There is no online leasing calculator.

Sofia 1750, dis. Mladost, Tsarigradsko Shose Blvd. №40, Floor 8 |
Tel.: +359 700 35 009 |
e-mail: info@mogo.bg |
A new dynamic leasing companyA company whose main activity is... More specialized in financial leasingA leasing contract, under which, the... More of used cars to individual customers. The head office of Mogo is in Riga, Latvia, which operates in 15 other countries.
The max time needed for closing a leasing contract, from application to receipt of the car, is 24 hours. The leasing term with Mogo reaches 84 months, which is the longest lease termThe lease, or leasing term, is... More on the Bulgarian market!
The assets of the company have increased threefold – from BGN 6 million at the end of 2017 to BGN 19 million at the end of 2018. Sadly the company is registering a loss of BGN 2.2 million for 2018.
Leasing caclulator by MOGO Online leasing by MOGO
Online Leasing Calculator of Mogo Bulgaria

Sofia 1606, Gen.Totleben Blvd. №8 |
Tel.: +359 2/46 41 252 |
Georgi Todorov g.todorov@dbank.bg , leasing@dbank.bg |
Very small and very new universal leasing companyA company whose main activity is... More of D Bank Bulgaria.
The company has no online leasing calculator.